Category Cultural Policy
11 Giugno 2024
Cultural Policy, News, Projects
Following recommendations from our Romanian colleagues and conducting comprehensive desk and field studies over 5 months, we’ve crafted a draft law outlining the status of artists in Georgia, backed by relevant documentation.
Currently, we’re diligently advancing this project within the UNESCO-Aschberg program’s prescribed timelines. Our draft law has been formally submitted to the Chancellery of the Parliament for consideration as a legislative proposal. Next steps involve navigating through additional procedural hurdles, including forwarding the draft law to pertinent ministries. Given the prevailing complex political climate, our forthcoming project phase will focus on formulating a set of recommendations...
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Project “Development of recommendations for a legislative initiative to determine the status of the artist in Georgia”
24 Gennaio 2024
Cultural Policy, News, Projects
With generous support from UNESCO, Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theater Artists
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proudly presents its groundbreaking project – “Development of recommendations for a
legislative initiative to determine the status of the artist in Georgia”. Rooted in the 1980
UNESCO recommendation, our initiative addresses artists’ challenges, tailoring a legislative
package and proposing it to the Parliament of Georgia. As global crises threaten artists’
freedom, our commitment extends to safeguarding their rights in a changing landscape.
Join us in championing artists’ rights and shaping a brighter cultural future in Georgia.
This project is supported by the UNESCO-Aschberg Programme for Artists and Cultural
Professionals, generously funded by the Kingdom of Norway”.
“UNESCO does not endorse any product, service... -
თბილისის კულტურის პოლიტიკა
9 Aprile 2013
Cultural Policy
ნინო გუნია-კუზნეცოვა, კულტურის პოლიტის ექსპერტი
მარინა ბალიაშვილი, ფსიქოლოგიის მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი
ბელა არუთინოვა, ფსიქოლოგიის მეცნიერებათა კანდიდატი
“პოლიტიკა, საბოლოო მიზანთა, პრაქტიკული მიზნებისა და საშუალებების სისტემაა, რომელსაც ხელისუფლებაზე დაყრდნობით აწარმოებს გარკვეული ჯგუფი. კულტურული პოლიტიკა შეიძლება მოიხაზოს პროფესიულ კავშირში, პარტიაში, საგანმანათლებლო მოძრაობაში, დაწესებულებაში, ქალაქსა თუ მთავრობაში...
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Georgian Cultural Policy Instruments
9 Aprile 2013
Cultural Policy
Report for the International Round Table
“Reform in Culture: New Instruments of Cultural Policy in the Conditions of Integration into the European Cultural Space”
Kyiv, Ukraine – October 13, 2011
Nino Gunia-Kuznetsov
Ilya Chavchavadze State University, Georgia
The main points of the report:
• To identify the prerequisites for various models of the Georgian cultural policy
• to analyze the formation of a working model of cultural policy.
• To analyze the tools and instruments required for achievement of the identified priorities and objectives of the current model of cultural policy.Final assessment
The cultural policy has been gradually formed and developed depending on the domestic and internat...
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