8 Gennaio 2022
News, Projects, Tbilisi Biennial of Scenography
Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists – OISTAT National Center of Georgia announces an open call for curatorial proposals to participate in the Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design 2022. The international exhibition is scheduled to take place from 9-19 October, 2022 at Tbilisi History Museum (Caravanserai).
General Information on Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design
The Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design was initiated by the Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists – the OISTAT National Center of Georgia, in 2016.
The Biennale aims to build conditions for professional development of young stage designers and to launch an intercultural dialogue. This unique platform, which is created for young scenographers will enable them to present themselves and their projects, review and assess the ongoing process taking place in this specific field of art, share their creative ideas, participate in professional discussions, plan and develop joint projects.
Biennale will unite the following activities:
1. International exhibition of national and students’ expositions;
2. Educational program MasterLab (lectures, master classes);
3. Open forum /symposium – round table, discussions, presentations.
In the frames of the Biennale the guests and participants will have an opportunity to get familiar with the highlights of Tbilisi including the theatre buildings of the city.
General information for participation
The Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists – OISTAT National Center of Georgia is holding the 4th Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design from 9-19 October, 2022.
All countries participating in the Biennale are responsible for managing the organizational, artistic and financial issues of their own pavilions. Exhibition of each country is headed by a national curator who selects the participating artists.
In 2022 the Biennale will focus on two separate sections of international exhibitions: professional and students’ shows.
Qualifying criteria for participants:
- Work experience – at least 3 years of work in theater, cinema, television or other shows, as well as in multimedia scenography, including computer games.
- The applicants selected by national curators of the respective countries are eligible to participate in the Tbilisi Biennale of Stage Design. National curators shall manage the organization of expositions of their countries.
Qualifying criteria for works:
- The presented projects should have been realized and/or have had premieres in 2019-2022;
- Possible forms of submission: scene or costume sketches, photos of performances, shows, video footages, animations, installations, video art or multimedia scenography including computer game designs as well as costumes, dummies, puppets etc.;
- The foreign participants are advised to present at the Biennale the original sketches. In case it is complicated to obtain special permits for export of the works, high quality prints will also be accepted.
Selection procedure:
- Representatives of guest countries will be selected by national curators of the respective countries.
Technical conditions and information:
- The Georgian party will provide the exhibition space and its maintenance
- Each participating country will be allocated 25 square meters of exhibition space in the main hall of the Museum (space with one wall only)
- Duration of exhibition – two full working days and 1 working day for dismantling
- All specific technical and/or otherwise requests and details must be agreed with the Georgian team of organizers and the representatives of the exhibition space prior to the start of the Biennale.
- The travel and exposition expenses should be covered by the participants themselves
Application package should include the following documents:
- Application form
- Photo (portrait)
- CV
- Copies of works: at least 8 units of high resolution copies with indication of the relevant cataloging data (name, author, director, location and date of the premiere, size and material of the works).
Digital versions of the works should be sent to the following e-mail address: ninogunia@yahoo.com; info@tbilisibiennale.com
The deadline for submitting applications is February 18, 2022.
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